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1ª Prova - 31/10/2019 - 35 pontos

2ª Prova - 19/12/2019 - 35 pontos



S1 - 01/10/2019 - 8 pontos

S2 - 29/10/2019 - 8 pontos

S3 - 07/11/2019 - 7 pontos

S4 - 17/12/2019 - 7 pontos

Textos Seminários

1) COASE, R.H. The problem of Social cost. Journal of Law Economic. V. 3. 1960.

2) SAMUELSON, P.A. Exposition of the theory of public expenditure. The Review of Economics and Statistics. v.37, n.4,1955. 

3) SAMUELSON, P.A. The pure theory of public expenditure. The Review of Economics and Statistics. v.36, n.4,1954. 

4) NICHOLSON, W. Microeconomic Theory: Basics principles and extensions. 8. ed. 2000.

5) Relatório de Brundthland - Nosso Futuro Comum (português)

6) Versão em inglês de Nosso Futuro Comum (texto original)

7) SOLOW, R. Sustainability: An Economist’s Perspective. 1991. Disponível em: <>.

8) LÉLÉ, S. M. Sustainable development: a critical review. World Development. v. 19, n. 6, p. 607-621. 1991.

9) OPWOOD, B.; MELLOR, M.; O’BRIEN, G. Sustainable Development: mapping different approaches. Sustainable Development. n. 13, p. 38-52. 2005.

10)HÁK, T.; JANOUSKOVÁ, S.; MOLDAN, B. Sustainable development goals: a need for relevant indicators. Journal Ecological Indicators. n. 60, p. 565-573, 2016.

11)HALL, J. K.; DANEKE, G. A.; LENOX, M. J. Sustainable development and entrepreneurship: past contributions future directions. Journal of Business Venturing. n. 25, p. 439-448, 2010.

12) COASE, R. H. The problem of social cost. The Journal of Law & Economic. v.3, p. 1-44. 1960. (inglês)

13) COASE, R. H. The problem of social cost. The Journal of Law & Economic. v.3, p. 1-44. 1960. (treaduzido)

14) PINDYCK, R.S.; ROBINFELD, D.L. Microeconomics. 8. ed. Pearson: 2013.



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